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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4.
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index
Article Pages Section
Features of the translation of an English poetic text into Russian in the context of its equivalence (based on “Up in the Air” published by “Brown Watson”)
Sibiryakov Andrey Viktorovich, Laur Anna Dmitrievna
1005-1011 Philological Sciences
Media image of a veterinary doctor in Russian mass media (based on the data from the Russian National Corpus)
Abrosimova Ekaterina Alekseevna, Kravchenko Yulia Dmitrievna
1012-1018 Philological Sciences
The doctor’s image in the reception of Russian criticism and literary studies in the 20th and 21st centuries
Trostina Marina Aleksandrovna, Shishkanova Ksenia Nikolaevna
1019-1025 Philological Sciences
Metaphor as a productive means of verbalizing emotions in the political discourse of Germany
Zorina Anastasia Valeryevna
1026-1031 Philological Sciences
Semantic-syntactic properties of the deverbal relative ‘исходя из’ (‘based on’)
Zarubina Elena Sergeevna
1032-1037 Philological Sciences
Linguo-pragmatic characteristics of bilingualism in Acadian media discourse
Mordvinova Albina Rishatovna, Sadykova Aida Gumerovna
1038-1043 Philological Sciences
Grammaticalization of pronouns ‘you’ and ‘Sie’ in English and German
Avagyan Asmik Armenovna
1044-1049 Philological Sciences
Dependence of the cognitive attributes of the HEART concept in the language consciousness of a person on their professional employment (by the example of cardiologists)
Kameneva Veronika Aleksandrovna, Startseva Tatyana Valerievna, Potapova Natalya Vadimovna
1050-1055 Philological Sciences
“With righteous Word sear hearts of men...”: On the 225th anniversary of A. S. Pushkin’s birth
Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
1056-1064 Philological Sciences
Ivan Turgenev’s novella “First Love”: On the borders of idyll
Anisimova Alexandra Naumovna, Efremova Yulia Ivanovna
1065-1070 Philological Sciences
The English-language linguocultural scenario “Marketing”: Structural and semantic features of linguistic units
Belyakova Ol’ga Vladimirovna, Pyrkina Natalia Alexandrovna, Sergeeva Margarita Viktorovna
1071-1078 Philological Sciences
Peculiarities of conveying logical inferences when translating an English simple sentence into Russian
Nikitina Irina Nikolaevna, Panina Natalya Valerevna, Kopshukova Ekaterina Valerevna
1079-1085 Philological Sciences
Ethnocultural and linguo-pragmatic potential of phraseological units as means of national identification of Austrians
Chukshis Vadim Andreevich
1086-1090 Philological Sciences
Topical socio-political texts in Russian as a source of educational materials for foreign students of humanities (basic and additional educational programs)
Kozhevnikova Elena Vladislavovna, Trubchaninova Margarita Evgenievna
1091-1098 Pedagogical Sciences
Minimal semantic description of meaning in relation to abstract vocabulary using the example of the German lexeme „Rechtsstaat“
Stepanova Maria Alexeyevna, Savankova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
1099-1105 Philological Sciences
Representation of the MUSIC concept in the linguistic consciousness of young people from different professional groups (according to the analysis in the information systems “Semograph” and “SciVi”)
Verszynina Mariya Gennadjevna, Belova Larisa Alexandrovna
1106-1113 Philological Sciences
Protest slogans in French: Lexico-syntactic and semantic aspects
Abramova Elena Konstantinovna
1114-1122 Philological Sciences
ANSTÄNDIGKEIT (DECENCY) in German linguoculture
Khlopova Anna Igorevna
1123-1127 Philological Sciences
Features of the functioning of peripheral punctuation marks in the epistolary texts by semiliterate authors
Bageeva Olga Olegovna
1128-1134 Philological Sciences
Pu Songling. Liao Zhai Zhi Yi (Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio): Complete Collection in 12 Juan: in 7 vols. / translated from Chinese by Academician V. M. Alekseev and Professor A. G. Storozhuk. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2022. Vol. 1. 568 p., ill.: Book re
Zakharova Natalya Vladimirovna
1135-1136 Philological Sciences
Emphatic inversion in the English language: A theoretical review
Vorobyova Yelena Nickolaevna
1137-1148 Philological Sciences
The image of a medical nurse in Ivan Shmelyov’s story “Blood Sin”
Sotkov Viktor Aleksandrovich
1149-1154 Philological Sciences
Linguistic profiles of hidden communities: A morphosyntactic aspect
Mamaev Ivan Dmitrievich
1155-1162 Philological Sciences
Discourse “hypostases” of Jacques Lacan: French linguistic culture
Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Skvortsov Konstantin Viktorovich
1163-1171 Philological Sciences
Verbalization of the emotional persuasive strategy in the English-language publishing hypertext
Panfilova Serafima Sergeyevna
1172-1177 Philological Sciences
Lexico-semantic objectification of the linguocultural opposition “intelligence – stupidity/madness” in Spanish phraseological units
Gulevets Natalia Aleksandrovna, Nekrasova Mariya Yurievna
1178-1184 Philological Sciences
Features of the functioning of deverbal nouns with the prefix 'пред-' (based on the Russian National Corpus)
Sukhorukova Yuliya Aleksandrovna
1185-1191 Philological Sciences
Linguistic means of creating a negative image of fossil energy sources in the modern German media discourse
Varlakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Goncharova Maria Vyacheslavovna, Spiridonova Valentina Aleksandrovna
1192-1198 Philological Sciences
Creating and testing an electronic course on the Italian language based on a TV series for students of non-linguistic universities
Mushtanova Oxana Yurievna
1199-1206 Pedagogical Sciences
Transformation of precedent movie phrases in comic creolized internet memes (using the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” as an example of the source of meme origin)
Trofimchuk Polina Ilyinichna
1207-1216 Philological Sciences
Versification as a genre-forming factor in the sonnet sequence “Faithful to Love” by M. Bemurzov
Khavzhokova Lyudmila Borisovna
1217-1222 Philological Sciences
Overcoming poetic conceptualism (“Sunny Morning” by Timur Kibirov)
Zhilene Ekaterina Sergeevna
1223-1229 Philological Sciences
Semantics and pragmatics of expressions with the component ‘белое пальто’ (fig. ‘superior attitude’) based on internet publications
Bashkirtseva Oksana Aleksandrovna, Dedkovskaya Dar'ya Mikhailovna
1230-1236 Philological Sciences
Adjectives with the semantics of precedence in English and Russian
Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
1237-1243 Philological Sciences
Types of metaphors in economic discourse (based on the representation of enterprise activities in Russian, English, German, and French)
Borodulina Natalia Yurievna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna
1244-1251 Philological Sciences
The evolution of the entrepreneur’s image in Jordan Belfort’s autobiographical novel “The Wolf of Wall Street”
Savinich Sergei Sergeyevich, Plakhin Nikita Sergeevich
1252-1257 Philological Sciences
Stage nature of Raymond Carver’s short stories
Kharrasova Elvira Alfredovna, Torres Ramirez Jose Valentin
1258-1264 Philological Sciences
The text-forming potential of discourse markers in scientific communication
Danilevskaya Varvara Andreevna
1265-1272 Philological Sciences
Use of lexical means for expressing a literary image (based on the novel “In Search of the First Land” by E. D. Aypin)
Dolzhenko Nataliia Grigorievna, Glukhova Svetlana Dmitrievna
1273-1278 Philological Sciences
Auguste Brizeux as a type of romantic singer of local culture
Pinkovskiy Vitaly Ivanovich
1279-1285 Philological Sciences
Using machine learning for the topic annotation of oral speech corpus texts
Pogodaeva Elena Nikolaevna
1286-1291 Philological Sciences
Concepts of hermeticism and gnosticism in contemporary science fiction
Kazakova Irina Borisovna
1292-1297 Philological Sciences
Gender stereotypes in Spanish-language women’s advertising: A translation aspect
Toporkova Yulia Alexandrovna
1298-1303 Philological Sciences
Pragmatic potential of recurrent vocabulary in media texts (based on the news messages about Russia in German-language media)
Ivanchenko Tatiana Anatolevna
1304-1309 Philological Sciences
Linguostylistic features of fan fiction (based on the English-language fandom “Pushkin”)
Smirnova Lyudmila Evgenievna, Kuharuk Maksim Ruslanovich
1310-1314 Philological Sciences
Features of verbal and cogitative activity in children aged 5-7 in the digital age
Pustovoitova Olga Vasilevna
1315-1323 Philological Sciences
Symbiosis of the “poetic” and ethical principles in Leo Tolstoy’s autobiographical trilogy
Tsirulev Alexander Fedorovich
1324-1329 Philological Sciences
Development of an audiovisual Russian as foreign language course with a national-cultural component within the framework of China’s new educational strategy
Pak Irina Yakovlevna
1330-1337 Pedagogical Sciences
Lexicographic representation of the lexeme ‘абсурд’ (absurd)
Dzhur Elena Vladimirovna
1338-1342 Philological Sciences
The linguistic personality of a translator and the pragmatic variability of translation (based on the translations of Jane Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice”)
Rakhmatullina Dilyara Ravil'evna, Bezmenova Larisa Eduardovna, Mangushev Sergei Vladimirovich
1343-1350 Philological Sciences
The phenomenon of artistic whistling in traditional Chinese culture and its connection with classical Chinese literature
Semenenko Ivan Ivanovich
1351-1362 Philological Sciences
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index

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