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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4.
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index
Article Pages Section
Enhancing translation pedagogy through culture-specific terms
Sanesi Matteo
287-294 Pedagogical Sciences
Peculiarities of the use of interactive video materials in the formation of foreign language sociocultural competence among primary school pupils
Parfenova Svetlana Olegovna, Kruglova Irina Valerievna
295-309 Pedagogical Sciences
Theoretical and methodological recommendations on the organization of Russian language teaching in schools in the new regions of Russia
Sheglova Inna Vladimirovna
310-315 Pedagogical Sciences
Home experiment as a means of enhancing pupils’ cognitive activity in studying the comprehensive school physics course
Andryushechkin Sergey Mikhailovich
316-321 Pedagogical Sciences
The study of mathematical concepts among primary school children with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities
Shumakova Nadezhda Sergeevna, Yakovleva Irina Mikhailovna
322-329 Pedagogical Sciences
Formation of the basic logical activity “identification of cause-and-effect relationships in the study of phenomena and processes” in schoolchildren
Gavrisenko Elena Andreevna, Frolova Natalia Viktorovna
330-339 Pedagogical Sciences
Practices of television media education of family values in China
Sosnovskaya Nadezhda Igorevna
340-348 Pedagogical Sciences
Technology for teaching foreign language written communication to future water transport workers
Moleva Marina Valer’evna
349-357 Pedagogical Sciences
Problems of training future foreign language teachers in modern Russia and possible ways to solve them
Afanasyeva Oksana Vasilievna
358-364 Pedagogical Sciences
Teaching school students how to create extended written statements with elements of reasoning using a table/diagram (based on English)
Korzun Oksana Olegovna, Shtanko Elena Victorovna
365-374 Pedagogical Sciences
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index

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