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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 1. P. 43-45.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Economic Sciences
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Ivanov Maksim Nikolaevich
Moscow Witte University

Abstract. This article focuses on opportunity and prospects for the agroeconomic development of northern regions in Russia, contrary to the traditional notions about the basis for the sustainable economic development of these regions, in the capacity of which only natural resource potential and their development by "shift" method can be. The author highlights the factors contributing to agroeconomic development, estimates the impact of climatic conditions and offers specific areas of agroeconomic development.
Key words and phrases: агроэкономическое развитие, продовольственное обеспечение, агропродовольственный рынок, экономика АПК, северные регионы, agroeconomic development, food supply, agrofood market, economy of agricultural sector, northern regions
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