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SOURCE:    Almanac of Modern Science and Education. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 1. P. 60-63.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Law Sciences
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Lagunova Elena Aleksandrovna
Eastern-Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice

Abstract. Relying on the analysis of judicial practice the author examines practical issues of applying astreinte institute by Russian courts. The paper covers the following issues: purpose of astreinte as a measure of responsibility for non-execution of a judicial act; claims, for which it can be applied; procedure of specifying astreinte amount and possibility to reduce it. The author considers procedural peculiarities when examining claims for astreinte, possibility to collect astreinte for the previous period, peculiarities of applying for astreinte. The researcher concludes that civil legislation introduced the efficient measure to stimulate the debtor to the quickest execution of the court decision.
Key words and phrases: астрент, судебная неустойка, обязательство в натуре, ответственность, неисполнение судебного акта, неисполнение обязательства, astreinte, judicial forfeit, obligation in kind, responsibility, non-execution of judicial act, non-execution of obligation
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