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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 9. P. 101-106.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philosophical Sciences
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Gallyamov Roman Il'mirovich
Saint Petersburg University

Submitted: 26.06.2019
Abstract. The article considers the interrelation of science and politics in the modern society. Due to historical interrelation of science and power, modern science has become involved in the political process. Bio-politics as a new type of social administration uses scientific knowledge to justify the need for authority and its preservation. The paper analyses the process of knowledge politization making a retrospective insight into Antiquity and the Modern Period when scientific knowledge was autonomous and had nothing to do with politics. The analysis indicates that politization of knowledge predetermined the development of bio-politics in the XIX century.
Key words and phrases: политизация знания, биополитика, классический/неклассический тип научной рациональности, население, научное знание, политическая власть, politization of knowledge, bio-politics, classical/non-classical type of scientific rationality, population, scientific knowledge, political power
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