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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 9. P. 127-130.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philosophical Sciences
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Timoshchuk Aleksei Stanislavovich
Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Submitted: 28.06.2019
Abstract. Kutyrev Vladimir Aleksandrovich is known as a social philosopher, left-wing conservative, supporter of controlled progress, critic of dehumanization. The article analyses V. A. Kutyrev’s new monograph "The Owl of Minerva Flies at Dusk" issued in 2018. The publication tackles the following issues: threats of technocratic development, prospects for humanism, limits of technology, substitution of existence by consumerism. Kutyrev not only resists post-human illusion, he hopes that Russia will keep the tradition and become the mainstay of being. The research task is as follows: to review the recently published book of the authoritative Soviet-Russian archaeo-avant-gardist. The originality of the study lies in the fact that Kutyrev’s ideas are analysed not as alarmist chants but within the framework of sustainable development, philosophy of everyday life.
Key words and phrases: Владимир Кутырёв, консерватизм, традиция, глобализация, модернизация, трансгуманизм, Vladimir Kutyrev, conservatism, tradition, globalization, modernization, trans-humanism
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  1. Kutyrev V. A. Levyi konservatizm kak filosofiya soprotivleniya tekhnogennoi degradatsii chelovechestva (Mikhail Lifshits i konets klassicheskoi marksistskoi filosofii - po itogam prazdnovaniya 200-letiya so dnya rozhdeniya K. Marksa) // Filosofiya khozyaistva. 2019. № 1 (121). S. 95-110.
  2. Kutyrev V. A. Oni idut… vstrechaite! (ob antropologicheskoi involyutsii tekhnogennoi tsivilizatsii) // Filosofiya khozyaistva. 2018. № 1 (115). S. 218-226.
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  4. Kutyrev V. A. Sova Minervy vyletaet v sumerki (izbrannye filosofskie teksty KhKhI veka). SPb.: Aleteiya, 2018. 526 s.
  5. Kutyrev V. A. Unesennye progressom: eskhatologiya zhizni v tekhnogennom mire. SPb.: Aleteiya, 2016. 300 s.
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  8. Pelevin V. O. Empire "V". Povest' o nastoyashchem sverkhcheloveke. M.: Eksmo-Press, 2016. 416 s.
  9. Timoshchuk A. S. Retsenziya na knigu Kutyreva V. A. "Poslednee tselovanie. Chelovek kak traditsiya" // Voprosy kul'turologii. 2016. № 8. S. 75-78.
  10. Timoshchuk A. S. Filosofiya soprotivleniya // Vestnik slavyanskikh kul'tur. 2017. № 2 (44). S. 194-198.
  11. Timoshchuk A. S. Chitat' Kutyreva. Zabyt' Meiyasu // Vestnik Vyatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2019. № 1 (131). S. 96-98.

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