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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 9. P. 182-185.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Study of Art
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Sorokina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Tambov State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov

Submitted: 03.07.2019
Abstract. The article analyses the peculiarities of orchestral style in G. Bizet’s "L’Arl?sienne" suites. The score is considered in the context of distinctive features of the symphonic orchestra of the Romanticism epoch. The researcher identifies the typical features of instrumental style in the composition, emphasizes the composer’s innovative techniques, in particular, the inclusion of a previously unknown musical instrument - saxophone. The paper reveals the peculiarities of using saxophone tone in orchestral texture - as a participant of shared harmonious sound, when replicating other tones, as a solo instrument.
Key words and phrases: эпоха романтизма, оркестр, партитура, Ж. Бизе, музыка к драме "Арлезианка", саксофон, Romanticism epoch, orchestra, score, G. Bizet, music to the drama "L’Arl?sienne", saxophone
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