Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2011. Issue 7-3

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Viktoriya Anatol'evna Marchenko
Tyumen' State University

Submitted: October 27, 2011
Abstract. The author presents the historical overview of the personnel training organization in one of the leading centres of the Russian legal education abroad that emerged after 1917 - Harbin Law Department (1922-1929), emphasizes that modern legal education needs closer examination of the historical experience gained from the development of the Russian law school abroad with the participation of the Russian lawyers who left Russia after the events of October 1917 in its establishing and mentions that the results of this positive experience detailed research can be applied to the education of modern legal personnel.
Key words and phrases:
история высшего юридического образования
русские ученые-юристы в эмиграции
юридическое образование в восточной Манчжурии
харбинский юридический факультет
центры русского юридического образования в Харбине и Праге
history of legal education
Russian academic lawyers in emigration
legal education in eastern Manchzhuriya
Harbin Faculty of Law
Russian legal education centres in Harbin and Prague
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