Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2011. Issue 8-1

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Aleksei Vladimirovich Goryunov
Ul'yanovsk State University

Submitted: November 5, 2011
Abstract. The author considers the problem of technology and society mutual influence mainly in the context of information technology development, rejecting technological determinism substantiates the thesis that social changes are not the result of new technologies themselves, but the result of certain socially conditioned method of their application, pays special attention to the conceptions describing the information technology impact on modern society, and in this regard analyzes the views of information society theory originators (D. Bell, A. Toffler, Y. Masuda, etc.), as well as modern foreign and native researchers' approaches to the problem of information technology role in society (M. Castells, D. V. Ivanov, A. P. Nazaretyan, etc.).
Key words and phrases:
информационные технологии
социальные изменения
информационное общество
технологический детерминизм
information technology
social changes
information society
technological determinism
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