Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2012. Issue 5-1

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Svetlana Viktorovna Mel'nikova

Submitted: April 4, 2012
Abstract. The author considers the political results of Easter Rebellion, concludes that despite Ulster significant contribution to republicanism restoration, this course had dominant influence over the South, and substantiates that Easter Rebellion destroyed imperial regime in Ireland and laid the foundations of southern republicanism northern policy, but the triumph of its ideology in the South and Sinn Fein victory opened the way for Irish independence at the cost of its separation and national minorities interests immolation, what southern leaders did not count on.
Key words and phrases:
Дангэннонские клубы
Пасхальное восстание 1916 года
Ирландское республиканское братство (ИРБ)
ирландский республиканизм
Организация ирландских волонтеров
Dungannon clubs
Easter Rebellion of 1916
Irish Republican Brotherhood
Irish republicanism
Irish Volunteers Organization
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  1. Barton B. From behind a Closed Door: Secret Court Martial Records of the Easter Rising. Belfast: Blackstaff, 2002. 344 p.
  2. Buckland P. James Craig. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1980. 143 p.
  3. Buckland P. The Anglo-Irish and the New Ireland 1885-1922. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1972. 364 p.
  4. Buckland P. Ulster Unionism and the Origins of Northern Ireland 1886-1922. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1973. 207 p.
  5. Edwards R. D. Patrick Pearse. N. Y.: Taplinger Publishing Co., 1978. 384 p.
  6. Hobson B. Defensive Warfare: a Handbook for Irish Nationalists. Belfast: The West Belfast Branch of Sinn Fein, 1909. 64 p.
  7. House of Commons Debates. 1916. Vol. 82.
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  9. Lynch R. The Northern IRA and the Early Years of Partition 1920-1922. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2006. 246 p.
  10. Lyons F. Ireland since the Famine. L.: Fontana Press, 1985. 880 p.
  11. McDermott J. Northern IRA and the Belfast Pogroms 1920-1922. Belfast: BTP Publications, Ltd., 2001. 322 p.
  12. Morgan A. Labour and Partition: the Belfast Working Class 1905-1923. L.: Pluto Press, 1991. 358 p.
  13. 13. O'Broin L. Revolutionary Underground: the Story of the Irish Republican Brotherhood 1858-1924. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1976. 245 p.
  14. Ring J. Erskine Childers. L.: John Murray, Ltd., 1996. 332 p.
  15. Royal Commission on the Arrest and Subsequent Treatment of Mr. Francis Sheehy Skeffington, Mr. Thomas Dickson and Mr. Patrick James McIntyre: Royal Report. L., 1916.
  16. Staunton E. The Nationalists of Northern Ireland 1918-1973. Blackrock: The Columbia Press, 2001. 397 p.
  17. Townshend Ch. Easter 1916. The Irish Rebellion. L.: Penguin Books, 2006. 442 p.
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