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Aleksandr Valer'evich Kostrov
Irkutsk State University
June 16, 2012
The author reveals the root causes of international tension recurrent in the Caucasus region, pays special attention to geopolitical factor influence on the history of local peoples, and shows that the situation at the junction of large spaces and world politics subjects' interests leads to the increase of conflict in the periods of the deformation of power balance and geopolitical eras shifts.
Key words and phrases:
Кавказский регион
геополитика Кавказа
конфликтность в Кавказском регионе
кавказские войны
история Кавказа
Caucasus region
Caucasus geopolitics
conflict situation in Caucasus region
Caucasian wars
history of Caucasus
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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