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Liliya Nikolaevna Chernousova
Khakass Institute of Education Development and Retraining
October 2, 2012
The author considers the features of the interaction process between social institutions in civil society and conservative law-governed state, and shows that the process of social institutions interaction is conditioned by the dominant position of church, ideological or public institutions and is based on the principles of competition, integrity, consciousness and planning.
Key words and phrases:
социальное взаимодействие институтов
гражданское общество
консервативное правовое государство
неореалистская философская традиция
принципы сознательности и плановости
social interaction of institutions
civil society
conservative law-governed state
neo-realist philosophical tradition
principles of consciousness and planning
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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