The author considers the main problems of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy - the nature of the Absolute, the nature of man, as well as the evolution of man and the world, mentions that, like all his philosophy, they are developed on the basis of the complementarity of rationalism, analyticity and historical approach to phenomena as well as mystical penetration into their essence, and comes to the conclusion that Sri Aurobindo carries out the consistent modernization of his doctrine, basing on the one hand on the classical Indian heritage, and on the other hand - including it in the broader context of the world culture and philosophy.
- Костюченко В. С. Шри Ауробиндо: многообразие наследия и единство мысли. СПб.: Алетейя, 1998. 60 с.
- Сатпрем. Шри Ауробиндо, или Путешествие сознания. СПб.: Алетейя, 1992. 333 с.
- Шри Ауробиндо. Синтез Йоги. М.: Никос, 1993. 832 с.
- Шри Ауробиндо. Час Бога. Йога и её цели. Мать. Мысли и озарения. Л.: Институт эволюционных исследований «Савитри», 1991. 94 с.
- Шри Ауробиндо Гхош. Человеческий цикл. Казань: Новый век, 1992. 352 с.