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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 2-1

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Vladislav Borisovich Dolgov
Orthodox St. Tikhon Classical University

Submitted: January 8, 2013
Abstract. The author discusses one of the aspects of the religious-philosophical thought of the Catholic modernism movement at the end of the XIX th – the beginning of the XX th century, namely the theory of church-state relations, and considers several conceptions of the French, Italian and British modernists. All of them were based on the criticism of the previous concordant system of Catholic Church, not capable, according to modernists’ views, to reflect the contemporary realia of the interaction between religion and society. Modernists’ reformist projects, however, were interpreted by the Vatican as another manifestation of anti-Christian secularism and were condemned. The official condemnation of modernism, however, failed to stop the further development of these ideas within Catholicism, which was fully manifested much later in the activity of the Second Vatican Council.
Key words and phrases:
католический модернизм
государственно-церковные отношения
II Ватиканский Собор
Catholic modernism
state-church relations
The Second Vatican Council
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