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Elena Aleksandrovna Tatarintseva
Institute of Caucasian Peoples’ Friendship (Branch) in Svetlograd
February 7, 2013
The author discusses the modern periodization of international adoption process, which necessity is conditioned by the re-interpretation of the role of the Russian Federation in international adoption as a “state of origin”; analyzes the foundations of international adoption periodization, suggested by foreign scientists, which have not been studied in the Russian science; compares them with those foundations of periodization, which are used in the Russian family law; describes the historical development periods of international adoption process; and comes to the conclusion about the necessity to consider the process of international adoption in the Russian Federation not from national, but from global perspective as an integral part of global development process.
Key words and phrases:
международное усыновление
основания периодизации
«гуманитарный ответ»
«период взаимности»
коммерционализация международного усыновления
international adoption
foundations of periodization
“humanitarian response”
“period of reciprocity”
commercialization of international adoption
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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