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Naum Mikhailovich Sirota
St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrument Engineering
March 4, 2013
The author reveals the basic parameters of the global world order as a condition for the survival and progress of the mankind, analyzes the contradictory dynamics of the interconnections and interdependence between the major “power centers” of the modern world, considers multidirectional trends in the world development, the opportunities for ensuring stability, the threats to the stability of the emerging system of international relations, security risks and challenges; and undertakes an attempt to predict international processes.
Key words and phrases:
глобальный миропорядок
мировая система
международные отношения
«центр силы»
«просвещённое лидерство»
«умная сила»
global world order
world system
international relations
“power center”
“enlightened leadership”
“smart power”
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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