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Elena Ivanovna Kholokh
Kiev National University named after T. G. Shevchenko, Ukraine
March 4, 2013
The author studies C. Geertz and V. Turner’s anthropological conceptions, and reveals their theoretical-methodological approaches, which are notable for the holistic comprehension of the man. Both conceptions have a synthetic character, which allows combining the whole spectrum of human existence modes in a single analysis system. Synthetic nature is conditioned by understanding man through the role of symbols in his life, where the symbol determines the extremely broad understanding of the human world. The author substantiates the proposition that both anthropological conceptions, of C. Geertz and V. Turner, refer to symbolic anthropology, since its core – the symbolic conception of the man – is common for them.
Key words and phrases:
символическая антропология
символическая функция
К. Гирц
В. Тернер
герменевтический метод
структурный метод
symbolic anthropology
symbolic function
C. Geertz
V. Turner
hermeneutic method
structural method
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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