Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 11-2

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Polina Anatol'evna Tokmacheva
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Submitted: October 24, 2013
Abstract. The article is devoted to one of the most topical and challenging aspects in the study of Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood’s creativity. Cross-cultural communication between England and Italy has always been of interest to the researchers of culture, and a special university was created on Malta to study their mutual influence. The author not only considers the specific manifestations of the Italian images in the paintings of Pre-Raphaelites at the level of subjects, techniques, compositional methods, but also raises the question about the meaning and consequences of such appeal to the images of the past. As a result of the analysis of the Brotherhood’s most pro-Renaissance works the author comes to the conclusion about the important role of the Italian images in the formation of Art Nouveau style in Pre-Raphaelites’ painting.
Key words and phrases:
итальянские образы прерафаэлитов
Ранний Ренессанс
англо-итальянские связи
Pre-Raphaelites’ Italian images
Early Renaissance
Anglo-Italian ties
Art Nouveau
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