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Vitalii Viktorovich Prilutskii
Bryansk State University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky
January 31, 2014
The article is dedicated to the American Republican Party, which had originated in 1843 and was active until 1847. It was the Nativist organization, which struggled against the influence of national minorities in the country and resisted the mass influx of foreigners in the period before the Civil War. In the USA the notion “Nativism” was used for the ideology identification of the native Americans of Protestant religion, who were dissatisfied with immigrants and immigration from Catholic countries. American Nativism was on the rise in the 1840s and became an important political factor.
Key words and phrases:
политическая борьба в США в 1843-1847 гг
политический радикализм
Американская республиканская партия
нативизм в США в 1840-е гг
антикатолические настроения
political struggle in USA in 1843-1847
political radicalism
American Republican Party
Nativism in USA in the 1840s
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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