Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 3-2

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Denis Leonidovich Ryzhkov
Moscow State Mining University

Submitted: February 24, 2014
Abstract. The article is devoted to the social-philosophic analysis of the definition “human rights” that is why the author considers the manifestation of law in the system of social interrelations. The comparison of the law term and the social phenomenon denoted by it shows that the notion “human” in the context of his/her natural rights and freedoms demands to be concretized. It is determined by the inequality of social possibilities that naturally shows itself in relation to the interdependency of social individuals. This feature of social person was not reproduced in the analyzed definition that is why the notion “human rights” means an abstract person, who is independent from the rights and freedoms of other members of society.
Key words and phrases:
права человека
социальное неравенство
социальные возможности
естественные права
право собственности
декларация права
реализация права
human rights
social inequality
social possibilities
natural rights
right of property
declaration of right
realization of right
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