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Georgii Vital'evich Chochiev
North-Ossetian Institute of Humanist and Social Researches named after V. I. Abaev of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Vladikavkaz
March 10, 2014
The article considers the activity of the political elite’s representatives of the North Caucasian (Circassian) diaspora in Turkey to produce an impact on social-political processes in Caucasus after the First World War. The paper traces the efforts of the Circassian politics, diplomats and military people on the stimulation of more active and interventional approach of the first empires of the Entente and then of official Ankara to the North-Caucasian problems. The failure reasons of that activity are detected. The British official records of the stated period are first introduced for scientific use.
Key words and phrases:
черкесская диаспора
Северный Кавказ
кемалистская Турция
Советская Россия
гражданская война
Горское правительство
Circassian diaspora
North Caucasus
kemalistic Turkey
Soviet Russia
the Entente
civil war
Mountain Government
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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