License Agreement on scientific materials use.
Boubacar Diambou
Kuban State University
June 2, 2014
The article describes the basic conditions, under which trade relations between the first African states and the rest of the world arose and were regulated. The mechanism of trade turnover before the beginning of the colonization process, its subjects are reflected, the characteristic of the used currency resources is given. The article concludes with a presentation on the process of establishing a new legal organization designed to create an attractive legal framework of economic activity regulation of the West African space for investors.
Key words and phrases:
торговые отношения
правовое регулирование торговли
бассейн реки Нигер
гармонизация права
trade relations
trade legal regulation
the river Niger basin
harmonization of law
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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