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Oleg Viktorovich Solopov
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
June 2, 2014
The article reveals the conception of cultural ethos and also investigates the level of the influence of cultural ethos on the character and creative activity of A. T. Bolotov. On the basis of the study of A. T. Bolotov’s biographical information the author analyzes the basic stages of the development of his views, identifies the correlation between the living conditions of the thinker and his philosophical world outlook. The paper considers the socio-cultural value of A. T. Bolotov’s heritage in the modern epoch. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of A. T. Bolotov as a factor for the development of cultural and event tourism in Tula region.
Key words and phrases:
А. Т. Болотов
культурный этос
культурный туризм
усадьба Дворяниново
Богородицкий дворцово-парковый ансамбль
A. T. Bolotov
cultural ethos
cultural tourism
Dvoryaninovo estate
Bogoroditsk Palace-Museum and Park
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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