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Alina Vital'evna Ovsyankina
Lomonosov Moscow State University
June 20, 2015
The article analyzes foreign studies considering the influence of network structure on the electoral behaviour of the individual, and also indicates the potential of studying electoral behaviour using network approach to Russia. Basing on the analyzed studies, the author comes to the conclusion about the importance of studying the influence of network structure on voting process, and also indicates the potential of the analysis of network structure as an actual methodology of studying the electoral behaviour of the individual in Russia. The potential of network approach also allows speaking about the use of its methodology in studying the common in our country networks of elites, political leadership, modeling of political processes, as well as the analysis of policy making in Russia.
Key words and phrases:
сетевой подход
социальная сеть
политическая сеть
политическое поведение
электоральное поведение
turnout cascade
моделирование политических процессов
модель малого мира
эффект малого мира
network approach
social network
political network
political behaviour
electoral behaviour
modeling of political processes
model of the small world
effect of the small world
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