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Egor Pavlovich Makarov
Samara State Technical University
October 1, 2015
The article analyzes William Beckford’s personal contribution to developing the cooperation of the British commercial and financial elite and the parliamentary opposition of Great Britain of the second half of the XVIII century. The paper presents the historical evaluations of the role of London City financiers in political decision-making. The author emphasizes the stronger influence of the representatives of big capital on the process of decision-making related to the internal and foreign policy of Great Britain of the 1760-1770s.
Key words and phrases:
экономическая политика
торгово-финансовая элита
политический процесс
финансовая стратегия
Уильям Бекфорд
Great Britain
the XVIII century
economic policy
commercial and financial elite
political process
financial strategy
William Beckford
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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