Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 3-2

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Aleksandr Anatol'evich Smoleev
Tambov State Technical University

Submitted: March 1, 2016
Abstract. After analyzing the events in Tambov region in the autumn of 1993, the author concludes that during the active development of the institutional crisis the political configuration of forces in the province to a greater extent copied the situation that took place in Moscow. The opposition supported the heads of the Supreme Soviet. The Democrats were on the side of B. N. Yeltsin. However, the struggle between the two branches of the government in the capital didn’t lead to the serious intensification of social-political forces in the region, and the general population as a whole remained passive in relation to the political processes that were going on.
Key words and phrases:
Б. Н. Ельцин
Верховный Совет РСФСР
октябрь 1993 года
Тамбовская область
политическая элита
государственный переворот
Boris Yeltsin
The Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR
October of 1993
Tambov region
political elite
coup d’état
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