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Svetlana Igorevna Shirokova
Russian State University for the Humanities
March 1, 2016
The study is devoted to the dramatic subgenre called mujer varonil , or mujer esquiva , so popular with the Spanish dramatists of the XVII century but insufficiently investigated in our country and, consequently, having no exact translation into Russian. As an example of such type of drama the author chose the unfamiliar in our country play “Affects of Love and Hate” by Calderón de la Barca. The paper also touches on the issue of the Spanish dramatist’s interest for the personality of his contemporary, the Swedish Queen Christina, who is a prototype of the main heroines of Calderón’s two works.
Key words and phrases:
Золотой век испанского театра
испанский театр XVII века
королева Кристина
шведская королева
пьесы Кальдерона
искусство барокко
театр барокко
mujer varonil
mujer esquiva
Golden Age of Spanish theatre
Spanish theatre of the XVII century
Queen Christina
Queen of Sweden
Calderón’s plays
baroque art
baroque theatre
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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