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Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Sorokina
Tambov State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninoff
December 1, 2016
The article is devoted to the period of the formation of the children’s opera genre in Russia. Attention is focused on the origins of this variety. The impact of the practice of children’s matinees and also the problem of the genre formation on the basis of the classical opera tradition are discussed. The importance of peripheral phenomena most reliably characterizing the general historical background is emphasized. Thus, the opera by the little-known composer Alexander Buchner “Mushroom Stir” (1905) served as the main analytical material.
Key words and phrases:
детская опера
формирование жанра
традиция детских утренников
Александр Бюхнер
опера «Грибной переполох»
children’s opera
genre formation
tradition of children’s matinees
Alexander Buchner
opera “Mushroom Stir”
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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