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Sergei Evgen’evich Yachin
Far Eastern Federal University
Irina Nikolaevna Kokhan
Far Eastern Federal University
February 10, 2019
In the light of M. Heidegger’s hermeneutic ontology, the article reveals the role of conjunctions as parts of speech in understanding the essence of a human language. In contrast to the traditional, mainly syntactic understanding of conjunctions in linguistics, it is proposed to consider them in the semantic and cognitive aspect. It is found out that conjunctions are responsible for the conceivability of “pure” relations as reality of a special kind. The authors substantiate the thesis that it is the presence of conjunctions that characterizes the specificity of a human language, its poetic, constructive force. The significance of conjunctions is revealed in semantic, syntactic, pragmatic and cognitive dimensions.
Key words and phrases:
универсалии языка
части речи
лингвистическая типология
language universals
parts of speech
linguistic typology
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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