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Dynamization of Da Capo Principle by the Example of J. S. Bach’s Clavier Fugues
Tat'yana Anatol'evna Svistunenko
Saratov State Conservatoire
March 6, 2020
The article for the first time considers J. S. Bach’s innovative approach to interpreting a form-generating potential of the da capo principle, which is widely represented in his clavier fugues. Dynamization of this principle at the tonal level is associated with the high degree of freedom and individualization when developing the fugue final theme in the basic and dominant tonalities. From the historical viewpoint, this experiment became an important landmark in the process of the three-part form formation and anticipated reprise dynamization in homophonic compositions of Vienna’s classical composers.
Key words and phrases:
клавирные фуги И. С. Баха
тональная структура фуги
динамизация принципа da capo
тональная арка
структурная уравновешенность
приоритеты трехчастности
индивидуализация формы фуги
J. S. Bach’s clavier fugues
fugue tonal structure
dynamization of da capo principle
tonal arch
structural balance
priorities of three-part form
individualization of fugue form
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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