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History of “Anthropocentrism” Notion in the Context of Modern Thinking on Man and Civilisation
Elena Aleksandrovna Prudchenko
Tyumen Industrial University
Yuliya Vladimirovna Dyupina
Tyumen Industrial University
Yana Eduardovna Dizer
Tyumen Industrial University
May 29, 2020
The aim of the study is determined by an attempt to analyse the main discursive patterns in the history of the anthropocentric idea, which are interpreted in inextricable connection to the capability of describing modern perceptions of the world and a man. The article provides various interpretations of the anthropocentrism notion as one of philosophical conceptions throughout differrent historical periods, from the ancient times to modern scientific inquires in the context of the most topical issues. The study is novel in that it substantiates potentiality of treating the concept of anthropocentrism as a crucial marker of the philosophical thought development throughout all the stages of human history, a marker representative of a man’s universal reflection regarding his standing in the world and axiological attitudes. The attained results make it possible to embark upon analysing general as well as specific cognitive interests and preferences presented in different branches of modern scientific knowledge, in the context of cognitions characterising the discourse of the anthropocentric idea.
Key words and phrases:
ключевая константа
key constant
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