Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2021. Volume 14. Issue 4
COLLECTION:    History of Philosophy

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Freedom, Duty and Morality in S. I. Hessen’s and A. V. Veideman’s Views

Yan Denisovich Gushchin
Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky

Submitted: April 30, 2021
Abstract. The study aims to reveal the meaning of the concepts of freedom and duty, which are the key ones in transcendental philosophy, using a comparative analysis of S. I. Hessen’s and A. V. Veideman’s ideas as an example. The Russian philosophers’ heritage consistently addresses historical and philosophical context of the Russian neo-Kantianism formation, which is reflected in the article in involvement of the latest research in this field. Scientific novelty of the work lies in considering the concept of freedom in correlation of morality and arbitrariness, as indicated by S. I. Hessen, supplemented by A. V. Veideman’s standpoint, which sheds light on freedom by consideration of relationship between good and evil. Relevance of the comparison is accounted for by defining the meaning of the category of morality through correlation of individual freedom and the principle of duty.
Key words and phrases:
русское неокантианство
С. И. Гессен
А. В. Вейдеман
Russian neo-Kantianism
S. I. Hessen
A. V. Veideman
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