Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2021. Volume 14. Issue 6
COLLECTION:    History of Philosophy

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Meaning and Interpretation Aspects of Compassion in S. L. Frank’s Religious Philosophy

Kseniya Aleksandrovna Mochinskaya
Saratov State University

Submitted: June 30, 2021
Abstract. The paper reveals compassion understanding in S. L. Frank’s religious philosophy. Relying on S. L. Frank’s works, the researcher examines essence of compassion phenomenon, discovers ontological and ethical aspects of compassion. Scientific originality of the study involves justifying the thesis that compassion is synthesis of suffering and love, which presupposes the necessity to overcome this emotional contradiction. The research findings are as follows: relying on an analysis of S. L. Frank’s works, the author reveals different aspects of compassion phenomenon, identifies meaningful content of this emotion, discovers interrelation of love and suffering within the realm of compassion.
Key words and phrases:
С. Л. Франк
русская религиозная философия
S. L. Frank
Russian religious philosophy
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