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Transformation of the Legend about the Image of Phidias and Pericles on the Shield of Athena Parthenos by Plutarch and Other Ancient Authors
Natalia Bogdanovna Larionova
Moscow State Linguistic University; Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the First Medical University
November 15, 2021
The aim of the study is to trace the emergence and changes in the legend of the image on the shield of Athena Parthenos by ancient authors from the I century BC to the III century AD. This publication, as the main evidence, analyses the message of the ancient author Plutarch about the image of Phidias and Pericles on the shield of Athena Parthenos. According to his version, it was the reason for the imprisonment of the master. The history of the origin and transformation of the legend about the image of Phidias from the common mention to the story of the “amazing mechanism” is shown. The scientific originality of this research lies in the establishment of the reasons and motives for the appearance of this myth among the later ancient authors. As a result of the study, it was established that the reason for the origin of the myth about the image of Phidias and Pericles on the shield of Athena Parthenos was Cicero’s desire to emphasize the importance of Phidias as the creator of the greatest work of Ancient Greece. A deep transformation of this myth occurred in Plutarch and other ancient authors, who put forward the idea that the master worked with the secret goal of joining the power and glory of his creation, making his name an integral part of the goddess Athena. As a result, even the story of the trial of Phidias changed: the condemnation of sacrilege towards the goddess came to the fore instead of accusation of theft.
Key words and phrases:
статуя Афины Парфенос
статуя Зевса Олимпийского
statue of Athena Parthenos
statue of Olympian Zeus
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