Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Manuscript. 2021. Volume 14. Issue 11
COLLECTION:    General History

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Restoration of Fides Cult during Caesar Augustus' Reign

Maria Sergeevna Golikova
Moscow State Linguistic University

Submitted: November 15, 2021
Abstract. The paper examines Fides (Fidelity) cult rituals during Caesar Augustus' reign. The author describes a poorly investigated period of Fides cult, analyzes its ritual practices, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. As a result, it is proved that annual Fides celebration was on the verge of disappearance due to the absence of a high priest of Jupiter - flamen Dialis - and partial destruction of the temple. The ceremony was not conducted in accordance with archaic tradition. Augustus' reforms included the following measures: he conducted the ceremony as pontifex maximus (greatest priest), restored the sanctuary, appointed a new high priest of Jupiter ( flamen Dialis) . Fides (Fidelity) occupied a significant place in Roman socio-political life during the I century B.C. Revival of Fides cults contributed to the conception of “Golden Age” that began due to Caesar Augustus.
Key words and phrases:
Октавиан Август
богиня Верности
культ Фидес
золотой век
ранний принципат
Caesar Augustus
goddess Fides
Fides cult
Golden Age
early Principate
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