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Restoration of Fides Cult during Caesar Augustus' Reign
Maria Sergeevna Golikova
Moscow State Linguistic University
November 15, 2021
The paper examines Fides (Fidelity) cult rituals during Caesar Augustus' reign. The author describes a poorly investigated period of Fides cult, analyzes its ritual practices, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. As a result, it is proved that annual Fides celebration was on the verge of disappearance due to the absence of a high priest of Jupiter - flamen Dialis - and partial destruction of the temple. The ceremony was not conducted in accordance with archaic tradition. Augustus' reforms included the following measures: he conducted the ceremony as pontifex maximus (greatest priest), restored the sanctuary, appointed a new high priest of Jupiter ( flamen Dialis) . Fides (Fidelity) occupied a significant place in Roman socio-political life during the I century B.C. Revival of Fides cults contributed to the conception of “Golden Age” that began due to Caesar Augustus.
Key words and phrases:
Октавиан Август
богиня Верности
культ Фидес
золотой век
ранний принципат
Caesar Augustus
goddess Fides
Fides cult
Golden Age
early Principate
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