Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pan-Art. 2023. Volume 3. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Theory and History of Art

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Vocal Art in Belarus in the 20s-30s of the XX Century: Opera Performance and Education

Tamara Vyacheslavovna Sernova
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus

Submitted: March 30, 2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to show the process of formation of the school of opera vocal art in Belarus in the 20s-30s of the XX century. Over the hundred years of its existence (1922-2022), opera vocal performance and the vocal school in the republic have undergone the stages of emergence and development through the comprehension of the leading principles and techniques of the European vocal performance practice, the formation of which took place over several centuries. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the principles of professional vocal education in Belarus: the reliance on approaches and methods formulated by the Russian vocal school; the formation of singers as artists through the synthesis of vocal and technical skills of future performers and their mastery of dramatic art skills, through their immersion in opera vocal performing art; the organisation of the educational process in such a way that future singers could master the leading performing styles of European opera art. As a result, it has been proved that the 20s-30s of the XX century became a time of significant changes and rapid development for the young Belarusian republic. Opera vocal performing art in the republic formed as a vivid highly professional phenomenon that had all the opportunities for its development and approval in the European musical performing space.
Key words and phrases:
оперное вокально-исполнительское искусство
вокальное искусство в Беларуси
20-30-е года ХХ века
профессиональное оперно-вокальное образование
навыки драматического искусства
организация образовательного процесса
opera vocal performing art
vocal art in Belarus
20s-30s of the XX century
professional opera vocal education
dramatic art skills
organisation of the educational process
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