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Innovations in the Poetics and Aesthetics of the Soviet Cinema of the Second Part of the XXth Century
Nikolai Andreevich Khrenov
State Institute for Art Studies
March 30, 2023
This work is the part of a big project on film philosophy – one of the directions of film theory. In the very beginning of this research it’s necessary to point out that G. Deleuze’s book became the starting point. G. Deleuze proclaimed the turn that had taken place in the middle of the last century in aesthetics, poetics and, of course, in cinema. This turn identified the subsequent periods in film practice. Basing on the ideas of the West philosopher the author of this article is aimed at the consideration of the experience of national cinema. In particular the late soviet and post-soviet period of the national cinema development covering the last three decades of the XX century will be in the focus of this research paper. It is substantiated that despite the circumstances of the specific political situation of that period the national cinema was not isolated from the world cinema process.
Key words and phrases:
трансформации кинематографической поэтики
философия кино
теория кино
философия Ж. Делеза
опыт отечественного кино
позднесоветский и постсоветский период
мировой кинематографический процесс
transformation of cinema poetics
film theory
philosophy of G. Deleuze
experience of national cinema
late soviet and post-soviet period
world cinema process
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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