Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2021. Volume 6. Issue 2
COLLECTION:    Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing

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Teaching the English-Language Art History Discourse to History Students Based on Set of Exercises on the Moodle Platform

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Skripkina
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Viktoria Vladimirovna Voinova
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Submitted: April 30, 2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to provide theoretical justification and experimental verification of effectiveness of using a set of exercises to teach the English-language art history discourse through the Moodle platform to students who pursue a degree in History. The article presents a set of exercises that makes it possible to ensure formation of foreign-language professional communicative competence in History students, which is dictated by the requirements laid down in regulatory documents and also meets students’ needs identified as a result of a survey. Scientific novelty of the research lies in testing effectiveness of the Moodle platform for teaching foreign languages to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in History and in developing an electronic educational course on this platform, which contains a set of exercises for teaching the English-language art history discourse to History students. As a result, it is proved that the Moodle platform is an effective means for teaching a foreign language and that it contributes to organisation of students’ independent activities.
Key words and phrases:
иностранный язык
платформа Moodle
искусствоведческий дискурс
комплекс упражнений
foreign language
History students
Moodle platform
art history discourse
set of exercises
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