Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2022. Volume 7. Issue 6
COLLECTION:    General Pedagogy

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Partnership of Educational Establishment with Sociocultural Institutions in Open Cultural and Educational Environment

Diana Airatovna Bakieva
The State Museum of the History of Religion; St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, St. Petersburg

Submitted: July 25, 2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to substantiate the need for partnership between an educational establishment and various sociocultural institutions. The article provides a typology of models of their educational interaction, proposes a relevant model of interaction between the school and sociocultural institutions; the educational functions of the sociocultural institution as a subject of educational activity are actualized; the goals of interaction between educational and cultural establishments are substantiated. The scientific novelty lies in the identification of fundamental changes in the interaction of educational establishments and sociocultural institutions in open cultural and educational environment, which can be extrapolated to any establishments of cultural inheritance. The result of the study is the proposed step-by-step algorithm for the partnership of the mentioned institutions ensuring, on the one hand, the “pedagogical identity” of each educational institution, and on the other hand, building a fundamentally new, systematic work to modernize the educational process in accordance with the trends of the cultural and educational environment.
Key words and phrases:
образовательное взаимодействие
партнерство образовательного учреждения
образовательные функции
образовательная деятельность социокультурного института
культурно-образовательная среда
educational interaction
partnership of educational establishment
educational functions
educational activity of sociocultural institution
cultural and educational environment
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