Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 8. Issue 7
COLLECTION:    Book Reviews

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The intercultural potential of the textbook: Bazina N. V., Ionova A. M., Kashenkova I. S. German? It is really cool! – Deutsch? Ist echt cool!: Levels A1-A2 / ed. by N. N. Saklakova; MGIMO University, Department of the German Language. Moscow: MGIMO-University, 2019: Book review

Olga Sergeevna Khosainova
MGIMO University, Moscow

Submitted: July 13, 2023
Abstract. The book review is devoted to the analysis of the textbook “German? It is really cool! – Deutsch? Ist echt cool!” by N. V. Bazina, A. M. Ionova, I. S. Kashenkova, intended for teaching German as the second or third foreign language after English. The paper reveals the intercultural potential of the textbook, which consists in the information of a cultural and country-specific nature presented in the textbook, as well as tasks based on it in which the authors invite students to compare and contrast this information with the realities of their native culture.
Key words and phrases:
обучение немецкому языку как второму иностранному
обучение немецкому языку как третьему иностранному
учебное пособие
научная рецензия
межкультурный потенциал пособия
teaching German as the second foreign language
teaching German as the third foreign language
book review
intercultural potential of a textbook
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