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Modelling the process of development of a contract soldier’s value attitude towards military service
Larisa Vasilyevna Abdalina
Voronezh State University
Alexander Vladimirovich Zaitsev
Military unit No. 40491, Krymsk
October 13, 2023
The aim of the study is to substantiate the importance and necessity of developing value attitude towards military service among contract servicemen. The paper sheds light on the notion of “a contract soldier’s value attitude towards military service”; identifies the specifics of using the modelling method in the context of a pedagogical research on developing value attitude towards professional activities among contract servicemen; presents a model for the process of development of a contract soldier’s value attitude towards military service and describes the main blocks of the model. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is the first to present a model for the process of development of a contract soldier’s value attitude towards military service. As a result of the study, a theoretical model for the process of development of a contract soldier’s value attitude towards military service was elaborated. The model includes the main four blocks: the theoretical and methodological block, containing the goal, methodological approaches, principles; the structural and content-related block, consisting of the main structural-content components: motivational-target, content-procedural, emotional-evaluative, resultant and sense-bearing; the operational and activity block, within the framework of which the course programme “Development of a contract soldier’s value attitude towards military service” was implemented and the corresponding forms and methods of value attitude development were used; the evaluative and effective block, reflecting the main criteria, indicators and levels of development of a contract soldier’s value attitude towards military service.
Key words and phrases:
метод моделирования
ценностное отношение к военной службе
структурно-содержательные компоненты педагогической модели
военнослужащий контрактной службы
modelling method
value attitude towards military service
structural and content components of a pedagogical model
contract serviceman
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