Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2010. Issue 2

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Lyudmila Anatolyevna Vasilyeva
Saint-Petersburg State University

Svetlana Olegovna Tananayko
Saint-Petersburg State University

Submitted: July 20, 2010
Abstract. In the article the phonetic variety of post-stressed sound consequences in continuous speech is researched. It is shown that at their realization some declinations from the ideal pronunciation connected with the loss of the distinctness of their phonemic characteristics are observed; in the vast majority of cases sound complexes in spontaneous speech change more than while reading; post-stressed sound complexes which are the part of super-frequent words are changed most of all.
Key words and phrases:
фонетическая вариативность слитной речи
заударные звуковые последовательности
спирантизация согласных
оглушение согласных и аппроксимантов
выпадение звука или группы звуков
редукция безударных гласных
phonetic variety of continuous speech
post-stressed sound consequences
spirantization of consonants
stunning of consonants and approximants
fall out of sound or group of sounds
reduction of unstressed vowels
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