Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2010. Issue 2

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Irina Fyodorovna Turuk
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Submitted: July 20, 2010
Abstract. As the research of the language texture of scientific articles and monographs have shown it must be interesting to consider the scientific discourse from the point of view of different language aspects: the unity of two functions - informational and emotional; information types; discourse structural organization; structural-semantic categories. The considered language aspects of scientific discourse help better understand discourse nature and character and perfect the methodological conception of a foreign language teaching.
Key words and phrases:
функционально-структурные категории
научный дискурс
функции: информативная и эмоциональная
кинесические и паралингвистические средства
целостность и последовательность
семантико-структурные категории
functional-structural categories
scientific discourse
functions: informative and emotional
kinesic and para-linguistic means
integrity and succession
semantic-structural categories
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  3. Чернявская В. Е. Текст и дискурс // Проблемы экономического дискурса: сборник научных статей. 2001.
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