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Aleksandr Vladilenovich Arapov
Financial University under Government of the Russian Federation
February 25, 2013
The author discusses the various hypotheses suggested for the solution to the synoptic problem. For a long time the dominant solution to this problem was a two-source hypothesis. Today, many researchers believe that a two-source hypothesis should be rejected, and suggest various alternative hypotheses. Farrer hypothesis asserts the priority of Mark. Augustinian hypothesis and two-gospel hypothesis assert the priority of Matthew. Jerusalem school hypothesis asserts the priority of Luke. The author mentions that as for the synoptic problem there is no consensus.
Key words and phrases:
текстология Нового Завета
синоптическая проблема
гипотеза двух источников
гипотеза Фаррера
Августинианская гипотеза
гипотеза двух Евангелий
гипотеза Иерусалимской школы
Эта Линнеман
textual criticism of New Testament
synoptic problem
two-source hypothesis
Farrer hypothesis
Augustinian hypothesis
two-gospel hypothesis
Jerusalem school hypothesis
Eta Linnemann
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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