Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 5-2

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Gyunai Sardar gyzy Imamalieva
Sumgait State University

Submitted: April 25, 2013
Abstract. The author begins with the description of verb endings in future tense, reveals its semantic meaning in the modern Azerbaijani language, considers future tense verb endings taken from the written historical monument “Oguzname”, compares them with future tense verb endings of the modern language, and mentions that this article can be used as lecture material for the study of written language records of the IX th-XI th centuries.
Key words and phrases:
будущее время современного азербайджанского языка
окончания категорического будущего времени
окончания некатегорического будущего времени
семантические оттенки будущего времени
анализ будущего времени азербайджанского языка
future tense of modern Azerbaijani language
categorical future tense endings
non-categorical future tense endings
semantic nuances of future tense
analysis of Azerbaijani language future tense
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