Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 5-2

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Aleksandra Nikolaevna Popova
Volga Region State Social-Classical Academy

Submitted: April 25, 2013
Abstract. The author researches the English linguo-cultural code of literary nicknames and circumlocutory onyms from semiotic perspectives, reveals and describes the characteristic features of this code, its structure and functioning, pays special attention to the phenomenon of intertextuality, when onyms are means of texts interconnection, and tells that the content of the research is the analysis of ethno-cultural and ethno-linguistic specificity of linguo-cultural code.
Key words and phrases:
лингвокультурный код
литературное прозвище
linguo-cultural code
literary nickname
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