Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 9-1

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Sergei Nikolaevich Bredikhin
North Caucasian Federal University

Submitted: August 16, 2013
Abstract. The article considers the possibilities of philosophical discourse meaning decoding in the application of philological phenomenological hermeneutics. The super construct meaning is considered as a hierarchical structure of intentionally relevant noemata as the tiny quantum of multidimensional and multi-sided meaning. The article describes the principles of noematic and phenomenological reflection as the bases of philosophical discourse meaning decoding both at the intuitive level, and at the third level of abstraction. The noematic analysis of meaning superstructure and derivation models of multidimensional meaning allows revealing the cognitive operations of decoding process, and considering the hierarchical structure of the transformations that provide this process.
Key words and phrases:
деривационные модели
философский дискурс
трансформации смысловой суперструктуры
derivation models
philosophical discourse
transformation of semantic superstructure
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