Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 12-2

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Elena Alekseevna Kukushkina
Saransk Cooperative Institute (Branch) of Russian University of Cooperation of Central Union of the Consumer Societies of the Russian Federation

Submitted: November 22, 2013
Abstract. The article reveals the content of the notion “bahuvrihi”, which are widely used in everyday colloquial speech. Possessive composites, or bahuvrihi, are productive exocentric metonymical composites with the main component denoting an integral (pars pro toto). Two-member possessive composites are typical of the German language. The author mentions that the most important characteristics of such words as bahuvrihi are emotional-cynical or rude expressiveness, contemptuous-scornful or playful figurativeness, which are achieved due to the word-formative act semantic complication with the metaphorical and metonymical transfers of collocating stems meanings.
Key words and phrases:
посессивные композиты
эндоцентрические композиты
экзоцентрические композиты
экспрессивно-оценочные свойства
possessive composites
endocentric composites
exocentric composites
expressive-valuation characteristics
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