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Svetlana Anatol'evna Fetter
Belgorod National Research University
June 20, 2015
The representation of the concept “loneliness” in literary texts is realized as the use of words and expressions that mean loneliness. The specificity of fiction is in the fact that this kind of texts as much as possible includes personal, non-standard associations of writers. The main assumption in the comparative study of the concept loneliness in the individual author’s and the general English language worldview lies in the fact that the use of words in the art text-representants of the considered concept in a literary text should correspond on the whole with the conventional in the English linguo-culture semantic directions specifying this concept, but at the same time extend associatively these basic meanings. In the article the means of representation of the concept “loneliness” in the works of the American and British writers of the XVII-XXI centuries are identified and analyzed.
Key words and phrases:
художественная литература
языковая картина мира
linguistic worldview
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