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Elena Vladimirovna Bodnaruk
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
March 1, 2016
In the article the author analyzes the forms würde + infinitive I and würde + infinitive II poly-functionality of which - the presence of both the indicative and the conjunctive use - has led to the terminological problem connected with their designation. The peculiarities of the use of these forms are identified and the attempt to determine their grammatical status and place in the mood system is made. It is ascertained that the future meaning underlies the majority of the uses of forms.
Key words and phrases:
немецкий язык
кондиционалис I и II или формы c würde
индикативное и конъюнктивное употребление
футуральная основа семантики
the German language
conditional I and II or form with würde
indicative and conjunctive use
future basis of semantics
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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